How do teachers handle a hot dry climate like Qatar?

Written by Qatar Teach


Teaching in Qatar is an amazing experience. You will get to work with people from all over the world, a tax free salary and a lovely sunny climate. However for some, getting used to the climate requires a bit of adaptation. As a teacher in Qatar, how can you do this? Here are some tips from nutritionist and personal trainer Marissa Lippert on how to stay healthy under such conditions:

What foods will help you in a hot dry climate like Qatar?

You can eat a healthy diet in a hot dry climate by choosing foods that are high in water content and low in fat. These include:

  • Vegetables, such as tomatoes, lettuce, carrots and cucumbers (but not potatoes).
  • Fruits like apples and pears.
  • Nuts such as almonds or walnuts.
  • Whole grains like brown rice or quinoa (which is actually a seed but it’s treated like a grain). Try to avoid processed foods such as white breads because they’re higher in calories than whole-grain versions. If you do eat white breads or other processed foods then choose ones with less fat (i.e., low sodium/fat) so that they’re healthier for you overall!

What exercise would be good when teaching in Qatar?

When exercising in a hot dry climate, it’s important to stay cool and hydrated. The best time to exercise is either in the morning or evening when temperatures are more moderate. If you must exercise during midday hours, try to find shade where possible and wear light-colored clothing that allows your skin to breathe. Strenuous forms of exercise should be avoided because they increase body temperature even further; instead, limit yourself to low-impact activities like walking or swimming.

Drink plenty of water before starting an activity (aim for at least one litre per hour), during breaks between periods of exertion–and afterward as well! Drinking water will help keep your body temperature down while also replacing lost fluids from sweating so much.

What to stay away from in a hot dry climate?

In hot dry climates, it’s best to avoid alcohol, coffee and sugar. Alcohol can dehydrate you and cause you to sweat more than usual. Coffee is also a diuretic so it will make you sweat more as well. Sugar causes inflammation in the body which can result in acne if your skin is prone to breakouts or rashes from heat exposure. Processed foods should also be avoided because they are usually high in sodium which makes it harder for the body to regulate temperature through sweating (sweating out toxins). Fried foods are bad because they contain trans-fats which harm our health over time by increasing inflammation in the body and leading towards obesity/diabetes type diseases among others things like cancer!

You handle a hot dry climate by staying hydrated, eating right and exercising right.

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Eat right.
  • Exercise right.


When you’re in a hot dry climate, it’s important to stay hydrated and eat right. You can also exercise right by doing activities that won’t make you sweat too much and cause dehydration. For teachers, with a busy timetable, keeping hydrated is possibly the most important thing you can do.

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